Models Reference

The models API of Hexya.

1. Introduction

The models API allows modules to interact with Hexya’s models and records. This API is mainly an ORM but with additional features needed for business logic. Developers familiar with Odoo’s ORM should find many similarities with the latter.

Special care has been put in Hexya’s model API to ease development. In particular:

  • Almost no reflection so that a standard Go IDE can propose relevant inspections and autocompletion.

  • Type safety by preferring structs to maps and almost never use string references so that most mistakes can be spotted at compile time.

2. RecordSets

2.1. Records and RecordSets types

Each model has a definition instance that can be retrieved by using the Model() function of the h package. This model instance will be used to extend/modify the model definition.

Interaction with models and records is performed through RecordSets, a sorted set of Records of the same model. Methods defined on a model are executed on a RecordSet.

Each model has its own RecordSet Go type named by appending "Set" to the model’s name in the m package (e.g. the RecordSet type for the Partner model is called m.PartnerSet). All RecordSet types implement the models.RecordSet interface, but also a whole set of methods with defined names but which differ by the parameters or return values types. For example, all RecordSets implement a Create method but each take a Record data of its model type and return its own type.

Each model has also its own Record Go type which is named by appending "Data" to its model’s name in the m package (e.g. m.PartnerData). A Record data type can hold the values of all the fields of the model whether they are stored into the database or computed on the fly. Record types are used to read and write values to RecordSets.

Record and RecordSet types live in the m package.

2.2. Using RecordSets

RecordSets are self-querying. One should initialize an empty RecordSet call search() on it to populate it from the database. RecordSets implement lazy loading, so that data is actually queried only when needed.

An empty RecordSet instance of a model ModelName can be instantiated by calling the NewSet(env Environment) of its model instance.

2.3. Common RecordSet Methods

The following methods can be called RecordSet instances.


A parameter or return value of type m.ModelSet means the actual type of the RecordSet for this model (e.g. m.PartnerSet).

A parameter or return value of type m.ModelData means the actual type of the Record struct for this model (e.g. m.PartnerData).

2.3.1. Data Access Methods

First() m.ModelData

Returns the values of the first Record of the RecordSet. It returns an empty m.ModelData if the RecordSet is empty.

All() []m.ModelData

Returns all Records of the RecordSet as a slice of m.ModelData. It returns an empty slice if the RecordSet is empty.

Read(fields []string) []FieldMap

Returns all Records of the RecordSet as a slice of FieldMap. It returns an empty slice if the RecordSet is empty.

RecordSets implement type safe getters and setters for all fields of the RecordSet type.

FieldName() FieldType

Getter for the field called FieldName of type FieldType of the First() Record of the RecordSet. Call to the getter will make a call to Load() first if the field is not loaded in the RecordSet’s cache.

It returns the Go zero value of the type if it is called on an empty RecordSet.

SetFieldName(value FieldType)

Setter for the field called FieldName of type FieldType. If the RecordSet has several Records, all of them will be updated. Each call to the setter makes an update query in the database.

It panics if it is called on an empty RecordSet.

The FieldType of a relation field (i.e. many2one, …​) is a RecordSet of the type of the related model.

2.3.2. CRUD Methods

(Model) Create(env Environment, data m.ModelData) m.ModelSet

Insert a new record in the database with the given data and returns the inserted Record. Fields which are not given a value in data are set to the type’s zero value or the default value if the field is required.

customer := h.Partner().Create(env, h.Partner.NewData().
    SetName("Jane Smith").
    SetPosition("Sale's Manager"))

// Returns:
// Jane Smith

You can also use the Create alias on a RecordSet instance. In this case, the actual values of the RecordSet are silently ignored.

customer := h.Partner().NewSet(env).Create(h.Partner.NewData().
    SetName("Jane Smith").
    SetPosition("Sale's Manager"))

// Returns:
// Jane Smith
Write(data m.ModelData) bool

Update records in the database with the given data. Updates are made with a single SQL query.

partner := h.Partner().Search(env, q.Partner().Where().Company().Name().Equals("NDP Systèmes"))
Unlink() bool

Deletes the database records that are linked with this RecordSet.

Load(fields …​string)

Load the data from the database matching the RecordSet current search condition and store them in cache for access through the getters. If fields are given, only those fields are fetched.

Calling Load on an empty RecordSet with an empty query will have no effect. To load a whole table, use FetchAll().

Call to Load() is optional. It will be automatically called (without fields arguments) on the first call to a getter or when calling Records().
Calling Load() with fields arguments before any other call allows to finely control which fields will be queried from the database since subsequent calls to a getter will not call Load() again if the value is already loaded.
partners := h.Partner().NewSet(env)
partners.Search(q.Partner().Where().Name().ILike("John")).Load("Name", "Birthday")

// The following lines will not load from the database, but use
// the values cached in the RecordSet.
for _, p := range partners.Records() {
    fmt.Println(p.Name(), p.Birthday())
// Returns:
// John Smith 1982-06-03
// John Doo 1975-01-06
FetchAll() m.ModelSet

Returns a RecordSet with all items of the table, regardless of the current RecordSet query. It is mainly meant to be used on an empty RecordSet.

2.3.3. Search Methods

(Model) Search(env Environment, condition q.ModelCondition) m.ModelSet

Search the database for matching records and return them as RecordSet. A new Condition instance can be created from q.Model().

cond := q.Users().Email().ILike("").Or().Email().ILike("")
users := h.Users().Search(env, cond)
(RecordSet) Search(condition q.ModelCondition) m.ModelSet

Apply the given search condition to the given RecordSet. This will narrow the RecordSet current filter.

Available methods on Condition type
  • And()

  • AndNot()

  • AndCond(condition ConditionType)

  • Or()

  • OrNot()

  • OrCond(condition ConditionType)

Available operator methods

Depending on the field type, all or part of the following operator methods will be available:

Equals, NotEquals, Greater, GreaterOrEqual, Lower, LowerOrEqual, Like, ILike, Contains, NotContains, IContains, NotIContains, In, NotIn, ChildOf, IsNull, IsNotNull

Each of these methods take a value parameter which is of the same Go type as the field on which it is applied.

For each of them there are two derived methods suffixed respectively with Func and Eval :

  • Func suffixed methods (e.g. EqualsFunc) take as argument a function whose first argument is a RecordSet and that returns a value with the same Go type as the field on which it is called.

    eg. func(rs models.RecordSet) int64

    The function will be evaluated at the time of the query by passing it the RecordSet we are querying and the result will be substituted in the query.

  • Eval suffixed methods (e.g. EqualsEval) take an expression string as argument. This expression will be passed as is to the client and evaluated client side.

    The returned condition of an Eval suffixed method cannot be evaluated on server side. Thus Eval suffixed methods must NOT be used within the Search() method.
Searches on joined tables

Searches can also be performed on joined model fields with the FKFilteredOn() methods:

cond := q.Users().PartnerFilteredOn(q.Partner().Function().ILike("manager"))
users := h.Users().Search(env, cond)

Conditions with FKFilteredOn() can be nested:

cond := q.Users().PartnerFilteredOn(q.Partner().CountryFilteredOn(q.Country().Code.Equals("F")))

They can also be mixed with simple conditions:

cond := q.Users().PartnerFilteredOn(q.Partner().Function().ILike("manager")).And().Login().ILike("John")
(Model) Browse(env Environment, ids []int64) m.ModelSet

Search the database and returns a RecordSet with the records having the given ids.

(RecordSet) Browse(ids []int64) m.ModelSet

Narrows this RecordSet by selecting only those with the given ids. This function is only a shortcut for Search on a list on ids.

(Model) BrowseOne(env Environment, id int64) m.ModelSet
(RecordSet) BrowseOne(ids int64) m.ModelSet

Same as Browse but for a single id.

SearchCount() int

Return the number of records matching the search condition.

SearchByName(name string, op operator.Operator, additionalCond Condition, limit int) m.ModelSet

Search for records that have a display name matching the given name pattern when compared with the given op operator, while also matching the optional additionalCond condition.

This is used for example to provide suggestions based on a partial value for a relational field. Sometimes be seen as the inverse function of NameGet but it is not guaranteed to be.

FetchAll() m.ModelSet

Returns a RecordSet with all the records in the database for the RecordSet’s model.

Limit(n int) m.ModelSet

Limit the search to n results.

Offset(n int) m.ModelSet

Offset the search by n results.

OrderBy(exprs …​string) m.ModelSet

Order the results by the given expressions. Each expression is a string with a valid field name and optionally a direction.

users := h.Users().NewSet(env).SearchAll().OrderBy("Name ASC", "Email DESC", "ID")

2.3.4. RecordSet Operations

Ids() []int64

Return a slice with all the ids of this RecordSet. Performs a lazy loading of the RecordSet if it is not already loaded.

Env() *Environment

Returns the RecordSet’s Environment.

Len() int

Returns the number of records in this RecordSet.

Records() []m.ModelSet

Returns a slice of RecordSets, each with only one Record of the current RecordSet.


Check that this RecordSet contains only one Record. Panics if there are more than one Record or if there are no Records at all.

Filtered(fn func(m.ModelSet) bool) m.ModelSet

Select the records in this RecordSet such that fn(Record) is true, and return them as a RecordSet. Filtered will use the data in cache if present.

Unless the RecordSet is already loaded in cache, it might be faster and more efficient to use Search() on the RecordSet to return a filtered Set.
Sorted(less func(RecordSet, RecordSet) bool) m.ModelSet

Returns a sorted copy of this RecordSet. less(rs1, rs2) should return true if rs1 < rs2.

The Sort is not guaranteed to be stable.

SortedDefault() m.ModelSet

Returns a sorted copy of this RecordSet according to the model’s default order.

SortedByField(f FieldNamer, reverse bool) m.ModelSet

Returns a sorted copy of this RecordSet by comparing the given field. If reverse is true, the sort is done in reversed order.

Union(other m.ModelSet) m.ModelSet

Returns a new RecordSet that is the union of this RecordSet and the given other RecordSet. The result is guaranteed to be a set of unique records.

Subtract(other m.ModelSet) m.ModelSet

Returns a RecordSet with the Records that are in this RecordSet but not in the given 'other' one. The result is guaranteed to be a set of unique records.

Equals(other m.ModelSet) bool

Returns true if this RecordSet is equal to the other RecordSet, that is they are from the same model and reference the same ids.

3. Environment

The Environment stores various contextual data used by the ORM: the database transaction (for database queries), the current user (for access rights checking) and the current context (storing arbitrary metadata).

The usual way to get the current Environment is to call Env() on a RecordSet.

3.1. Environment Methods

The following methods are available on the Environment.

Cr() *Cursor

Returns the cursor to the database. The cursor is a wrapper around the current database transaction that can be used for Direct Database Access.

Uid() int64

Returns the user ID of the current user.

Context() *types.Context()

Returns the context of this Environment. The context is a read only map for storing arbitrary metadata. See Context Methods.

3.2. Context Methods

The Context of an Environment is a read only map for storing arbitrary metadata. To modify the context, you need to modify the Environment (see Modifying the Environment).

HasKey(key string) bool

Returns true if the Context has a value for the given key.

Get(key string) interface{}

Returns the value of the Context for the given key. It returns nil if the Context does not contain this key.

If you know the expected return type, you would probably use one of the following typed methods instead.
GetString(key string) string

Returns the value of the given key in this Context as a string. It panics if the value is not of type string

GetInteger(key string) int64

Returns the value of the given key in this Context as an int64. It panics if the value cannot be casted to int64

GetFloat(key string) float64

Returns the value of the given key in this Context as a float64. It panics if the value cannot be casted to float64

GetStringSlice(key string) []string

Returns the value of the given key in this Context as a []string. It panics if the value is not a slice or if any value is not a string

GetIntegerSlice(key string) []int64

Returns the value of the given key in this Context as a []int64. It panics if the value is not a slice or if any value cannot be casted to int64

GetFloatSlice(key string) []float64

Returns the value of the given key in this Context as a []float64. It panics if the value is not a slice or if any value cannot be casted to float64

SetEntry(key string, value interface{}) *Context

Returns a copy of this Context with the given key set to the given value.

A pointer to a new empty Context can be created with types.NewContext()

3.3. Executing in a new Environment

models.ExecuteInNewEnvironment(uid int64, fnct func(Environment)) error

Executes the given fnct in a new Environment within a new database transaction and commit the transaction on success. In case fnct panics, the transaction is rolled back instead and the panic data is returned as error.

models.SimulateInNewEnvironment(uid int64, fnct func(Environment)) error

Executes the given fnct in a new Environment within a new database transaction but rolls back the transaction at the end. In case fnct panics, the panic data is returned as error.

This function is mainly useful for testing when database modification must be avoided.

3.4. Modifying the Environment

The Environment is immutable. It can be customized with the following methods to be applied on the RecordSet.

Sudo(uid …​int64) m.ModelSet

Call the next method as Super User. If uid is given, use the given user id instead.

noReplyUser := h.Users().Search(env, q.Users().Email().Equals("")).Limit(1)
partners := h.Partner().Search(env, q.Partner().Name().ILike("John"))

WithEnv(env Environment) m.ModelSet

Returns a copy of the current RecordSet with the given Environment.

WithContext(key string, value interface{}) m.ModelSet

Returns a copy of the current RecordSet with its context extended by the given key and value.

WithNewContext(context types.Context) m.ModelSet

Returns a copy of the current RecordSet with its context replaced by the given one.

3.5. Direct Database Access

Direct database access is possible through the Cursor of the Environment. The Cursor provides the following methods for accessing the database. All methods operate inside the current transaction.

Execute(query string, args …​interface{}) sql.Result

Execute a query without returning any rows. It panics in case of error. The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query. Whatever the database backend used, the placeholder is ?.

Get(dest interface{}, query string, args …​interface{})

Queries a row into the database and maps the result into dest. The query must return only one row. It panics on errors.

Select(dest interface{}, query string, args …​interface{})

Queries multiple rows and map the result into dest which must be a slice. Select panics on errors.

type dbStruct struct {
    Name: string
    Age:  int
var single dbStruct
var data []dbStruct

rc.env.Cr().Get(&single, "SELECT name, age FROM partner WHERE id = ?", 12)
rc.env.Cr().Select(&data, "SELECT name, age FROM partner WHERE age > ?", 25)
Direct database access should be avoided whenever possible because it by-passes all security restrictions. Use the RecordSet API instead.

4. Creating / extending models

When developing a Hexya module, you can create your own models and/or extend in place existing models created by other modules.

resPartnerModel := h.Partner()
resUsersModel := h.Users()

All models, fields and methods definitions MUST be made in the init() of the main package or of a package called by the module’s main package.


After creating or modifying a model, you must run hexya generate to generate the types in the h, m and q packages before starting the Hexya server.

Running hexya generate will also allow you to obtain code completion and inspections on the newly created types.

4.1. Creating a new model

(*Model) DeclareModel() *Model

Declare a new model. This function should be called on a 'not-yet-created' instance of the model we want to create. It is actually a placeholder, the code generation will make the actual Model creation.

// Create a new model called 'User'

The created model will have a single ID field which is the model’s primary key. It returns an pointer to the created model instance.

DeclareMixinModel() *Model

Declare a new mixin model. Mixin model are not meant to be accessible like a regular model but are meant to be mixed in other models.

DeclareTransientModel() *Model

Creates a new transient model with the given name. Transient model instances have a limited life time and are automatically removed from database. They are mainly used for wizards.

4.2. Fields declaration

Models fields are added by the AddField method of a model as in the example below:

course := h.Course().DeclareModel()
    "Name":      models.CharField{String: "Name", Help: "This is the name of the course", Required: true},
    "Date":      models.DateField{String: "Date of the Course"},
    "Teacher":   models.Many2OneField{RelationModel: h.Partner(), String: "Teacher"},
    "LimitDate": models.DateTimeField{Required: true},
    "Attendees": models.Many2manyField{RelationModel: h.Partner(), String: "Attendees"},

Available fields types are:


A binary field holds arbitrary data that is meant to be delivered to the client as a file. Binary fields are mapped to string go type.


A Char field is a string field that is meant to be displayed as a single line in the client. Char fields are mapped to go strings.


Date fields are mapped to models.Date structs.


DateTime fields are mapped to models.Date structs.


HTML fields are formatted with their HTML content by the client.


Rev2One fields are the reverse relation of one2one in the model that does not have an FK.


A selection field can have as values only a set of predefined strings.


A Text field is a string field that is meant to be displayed on multiple lines in the client. Text fields are mapped to go strings.

4.2.1. Overriding fields

Fields attributes can be overridden by using one of the following methods that apply on a Field instance.

(f *Field) SetString(value string) *Field
(f *Field) SetHelp(value string) *Field
(f *Field) SetGroupOperator(value string) *Field
(f *Field) SetRelated(value string) *Field
(f *Field) SetCompute(value Methoder) *Field
(f *Field) SetDepends(value []string) *Field
(f *Field) SetStored(value bool) *Field
(f *Field) SetRequired(value bool) *Field
(f *Field) SetReadOnly(value bool) *Field
(f *Field) SetUnique(value bool) *Field
(f *Field) SetIndex(value bool) *Field
(f *Field) SetNoCopy(value bool) *Field
(f *Field) SetTranslate(value bool) *Field
(f *Field) SetDefault(value func(Environment) interface{}) *Field
(f *Field) SetOnchange(value Methoder) *Field
(f *Field) SetConstraint(value Methoder) *Field
(f *Field) SetInverse(value Methoder) *Field
course := h.Course().Fields().Name().
    SetHelp("This is the new name of the course")

4.2.2. Field parameters

Field parameters are set in the params struct that is passed to the field’s creation/override method. Params structs only differ by the options available to specific types. Below is the list and explanation for each parameter.

Field type parameters
ReverseFK string

Set the foreign key field name in the related model for one2many and rev2one relations.

RelationModel string

Set the other model for a relation field.

M2MLinkModelName string

Set the name of the intermediate model for a many2many relation. This parameter is mandatory only if there are several many2many relations between the two models.

M2MOurField string

In a many2many relation, set the name of the field of the intermediate model that points to this (our) model. This parameter is mandatory only if the many2many relation is pointing to the same model.

M2MTheirField string

In a many2many relation, set the name of the field of the intermediate model that points to the other (their) model, i.e. the model defined by RelationModel. This parameter is mandatory only if the many2many relation is pointing to the same model.

OnDelete OnDeleteAction

Defines what to do with this record if the target record is deleted. Possible values are models.SetNull (default), models.Restrict and models.Cascade.

Selection types.Selection

Map of predefined allowed values for a Selection field. The map keys are the actual values, and the map values are the labels to display for each value.

Size int

Maximum size for the string type in database.

Digits types.Digit

Sets the decimal precision to a Go float type to store as a decimal type in database. Digit objects have a Scale field that defines the total number of digits and a Precision field that defines the number of digits after the decimal point.

JSON string

Field’s JSON value that will be used for the column name in the database and for json serialization to the client.

Translate bool

Set to true if the value of this field must be translated in the user interface. This can be the case for product names or descriptions for instance.

GoType interface{}

Specifies the go type to which the field should be mapped. GoType should be set to a pointer to such a type’s value.

If the given type is not a standard type then it must implement driver.Valuer and sql.Scanner interfaces.

session := h.Session().DeclareModel()
    "Room No": models.IntegerField{GoType: new(int16)},
Field’s metadata parameters
String string

Field’s label inside the application.

Help string

Field’s help typically displayed as tooltip.

Field’s modifiers parameters
Required bool

Defines the field as required (i.e. not null).

RequiredFunc func(Environment) (bool, Conditioner)

Defines the field as required depending on the returned values of the given function.

If the second parameter is not nil, the condition is passed as is to the client for evaluation.

If the second parameter is nili, then the first returned argument will define if the field is required.

ReadOnly bool

This field will be shown as read only on all views. Note that this does not prevent setting the field by code or through a method.

ReadOnlyFunc func(Environment) (bool, string)

Dynamic version of ReadOnly. Works the same way as RequiredFunc.

InvisibleFunc func(Environment) (bool, string)

Defines if the field should be visible in views. Works the same way as RequiredFunc.

Unique bool

Defines the field as unique in the database table.

Index bool

Creates an index on this field in the database.

NoCopy bool

Fields marked with this tag will not be copied when a record is duplicated.

Default func(Environment) interface{}

Function that will be called by clients to set a default value in the user interface before calling Create.

The default value will also be set when calling Create only if this is a required field and no value is set.

OnChange Methoder

The method to call when this field is changed in the interface. The value must be a method on this RecordSet with the following signature, which returns a Record with the values to update and a slice of field names to unset.

func (m.ModelSet) m.ModelData
OnChange function is called only when the modification is done in the interface, not by code.
OnChange methods are executed in an isolated environment that is rolled back after execution. You should therefore not try to create or write any RecordSet in these methods, or they will fail.
Constraint Methoder

The method to call to validate the value of this field in a record. The value must be a method on this RecordSet with the following signature:

func (m.ModelSet)

The given method must panic if the given RecordSet is not valid.

Several fields can set their Constraint: to the same method. In this case the method will only be called once, even if both fields are modified.
GroupOperator string

A valid database function name that will be used on this field when aggregating the model. It defaults to sum.

Computed fields parameters
Compute Methoder

Declares this field as a computed field. The value must be a method on this RecordSet with the following signature, which returns a Record struct with the values to update.

func (m.ModelSet) m.ModelData
Inverse Methoder

Declares an inverse method for a computed field. This method will be called when the field is set and must write directly its changes to the database. The given method must have the following signature:

func (m.ModelSet, valueType)

where valueType is the go type for the given field value.

Related string

Declares this field as a related field, i.e. a field that is automatically synchronized with another field. The value must be a path string to the related field starting from the current RecordSet (e.g. "Customer.Country.Name").

Stored bool

For a computed field, if true then the field will be stored into the database. Recomputation will be triggered by the data in the Depends parameter.

Storing a computed field allows to make queries on its value and speeds up reading of the RecordSet. However, the updates can be slowed down, especially when multiple triggers are fired at the same time.

Depends string

Defines the fields on which to trigger recomputation of this field. This is relevant only for computed fields with the Stored parameter set to true.

Value must be a comma separated list of paths to fields used in the computation of this field. Paths may go through one2many or many2many fields. In this case all the fields that would match will be used as triggers.

Embed bool

Embed the model of the related field into this model. This field must be a many2one field.

When embedded, all the fields of the RecordSet pointed by this field will be automatically added as Related fields, so that they can be accessed directly from this RecordSet.

Only the fields of the embedded model will be accessible from this model, not its methods.

4.2.3. Reserved field names

Fields that are given the following names will have special behaviours described below.

Name CharField

The Record’s name. It will be used by default in user interfaces for display when this Record is referred to (for instance as an FK of another model).

This behaviour can be changed by overriding the NameGet method of the model.

Parent Many2OneField

Used in recursive models for the foreign key to this Record’s parent Record of the same model.

4.2.4. Setting constraints on fields

SQL constraints

SQL Constraints are managed by the following Model methods that must be run before bootstrap.

(*Model) AddSQLConstraint(name, sql, errorString string)

Adds an SQL constraint to this model. name is an arbitrary name to reference this constraint. It will be appended by the table name in the database, so there is only need to ensure that it is unique in this model. sql is constraint definition to pass to the database. errorString is the text to display to the user when the constraint is violated

(*Model) RemoveSQLConstraint(name)

Removes the constraint previously created with the given name. This is intended for use in a module that want to override the behaviour of a previously installed other module.

4.3. Defining methods

Models' methods are defined in a module and can be overridden by any other module, with the ability to call the original method through Super(). This way, methods can be overridden several times by different modules to iteratively add new features.

Each override of a method is declared by a so-called "layer function" with the actual implementation. Layer functions must meet the following constraints:

  • Its first argument is the method’s receiver. It must be of the m.ModelSet type.

  • It must panic when an error is encountered to force transaction rollback (or solve the error directly if possible).

(*Method) DeclareMethod(doc string, layerFunction interface{}) *Method

Declares a new method on this model and apply the given layerFunction as first "layer function". doc is the documentation of the method.

This function should be called on a 'not-yet-created' instance of the method we want to create. It is actually a placeholder, the code generation will make the actual Method creation.

// Create a new method called 'UpdateBirthday' on the 'Partner' model
    `PartnerUpdateBirthday updates this partner birthday.`,
    func (rs m.PartnerSet, birthday time.Time) {
(*Method) Extend(doc string, layerFunction interface{}) *Method

Extends the method with the given layerFunction. If doc is not the empty string, it is appended to the documentation of the method.

The layer function should call itself on the RecordSet Super() object to call the previous layer.

    `Extended in myModule to compute age at the same time.`,
    func(rs m.PartnerSet, birthday time.Time) {
        rs.SetAge(Time.Now().Year() - birthday.Year())
The functionLayer passed to Extend must have the same signature as that of the first layer passed to DeclareMethod.
(m.ModelSet) Super() m.ModelSet

Returns a RecordSet with a modified callstack so that call to the current method will execute the next method layer.

Calls to a different method than the current method will call its next layer only if the current method has been called from a layer of the other method. Otherwise, it will be the same as calling the other method directly.

4.4. Extending a model

Models can be extended by 3 different ways:


Directly add fields and methods to existing models.

Mix In

Add all fields and methods from a model to another model.


Allow direct access to all fields of another model. Embedding only applies to fields, not methods.

4.4.1. Model Extension

See Fields declaration for how to add a field in a model. Fields can be added to a model in any module, not only the module in which the model is created.

See also Defining methods to see how to add or override methods in a model.

4.4.2. Model Mix In

(*Model) InheritModel(mixInModel *Model)

Extend this model by importing all fields and methods of mixInModel. mixInModel must have been created by DeclareMixinModel().

If a field name conflicts with an existing field name in the model, then:

Field overriding rules
  • Fields defined in the target model override fields defined in any mixin model

  • Fields defined in a mixin override fields defined in another mixin of same priority (i.e. general or specific) imported before.

If a method name conflicts with an existing method name in the model, then:

Method overriding rules
  • Methods defined in the target model extend methods of the mixin model.

  • Methods defined in a mixin extend methods defined of another mixin of same priority (i.e. general or specific) imported before.

Use Super() in extending implementation to access the implementation of the lower level mixins.

When mixing in a model, the database columns are copied into the table of the target model, resulting in an independent model. However, all extensions of the mixin model are taken into account and apply to all the target models, even if the extension has been defined after the mixing in.

4.4.3. Model Embedding

Model embedding allows a model to read fields of another model just as if they were normal fields of the model.

To embed a model, define a many2one field pointing at the model to embed and add the embed tag to it.

Embedding does not allow direct access to the embedded model methods.

5. Sequences

You can use the ORM to create and use custom sequences.

You can create a new database sequence with the models.NewSequence() function. You can then use the NextValue() method to get the next value.

Use models.MustGetSequence() to retrieve a sequence.

Since sequences are not rollbacked, several calls to NextValue() do not necessarily give two following numbers.
seq := models.NewSequence("MySequence")

seq2 := models.MustGetSequence("MySequence")
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    val := seq2.NextValue()
    fmt.Println("Sequence: ", i, val)